Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Star One Realtors Blood Drive

Star One Realtors continue to make a huge difference in their respective communities. This year our blood drive saved over 150 lives through the giving spirit of the agent's involved with this company and their willingness to reach out through each community. Read the below email from our corporate staff revealing the results of such a wonderful day...

If you remember our goal was to 'Knock The Socks' off last years blood drive
numbers. And that we did!

Despite the nearly 2 hour delay at the start of the day due to the
generators not working on the Hoxworth vehicle, we still did amazingly well.

* 23 donors came to corporate which resulted in 19 units of blood
collected.......LIVES SAVED 57.

* 4 donors gave that day at various Hoxworth facilities........LIVES SAVED 12
* 6 donors have given blood since the first of the year using our code (1244)
resulting in 19 units of blood.....LIVES SAVED 57
* (Special thanks to Greg Agricola from our NW office who has given every
month since the first of the year)

* Results from Kentucky's Blood Drive the following day:
25 donors came resulting in 20 units of blood.....LIVES SAVED 60

~ TOTAL LIVES SAVED.............................................186!

Please continue the support and let your friends, family & clients know our code is 1244 and that it is NEVER to
late to donate the gift of life. You can donate anywhere and when you give this code it will be credited to the George Hollenbeck Memorial Blood Drive.

Thanks to all who made this a LIFE SAVING EXPERIENCE!

Star One Realtors & Star One Rentals

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